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简介1.2011高考英语完形的详解答案(重庆)2.2012高考英语短文改错题及答案3.翻译2014年湖北高考英语真汉语翻译题:you‘ve flown halfway 含有aroun4.重庆英语高考2013听力求助!!5.重庆高考英语试卷题型有哪些?6.2022年重庆一诊考试英语试卷及答案(康德卷)7.重庆高考英语试卷难不难,难度系数解读答案点评解析 2013?课标全国卷Ⅰ书面表达(满分25分) 假



3.翻译2014年湖北高考英语真汉语翻译题:you've flown halfway 含有aroun











注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和介绍语已为你写好。

Dear Peter,

How are you doing?___________________________________________________


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

How are you doing?

I’m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I’ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you’ve asked for before.

Also, I’d like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is the first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!

His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am. August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in blue jacket.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


2013?课标全国卷Ⅰ书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华.请你给笔友Peter写封信,告诉他你叔叔李明将去他所在城市开会,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机.信中还需说明:李明:高个子,戴眼镜航班号:CA985到达:8月6日上午11:30注意:1. 词数100左右2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和介绍语已为你写好.Dear Peter,How are you doing?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua参考范文Dear Peter,How are you doing?I'm writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I've asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you've asked for before.Also, I'd like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is the first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am. August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in blue jacket.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua


高考英语作文可以在新浪爱文资料里搜索高分模版,提分轻松又快捷!另外,向您推荐: 艺考生的救命稻草! 突破130分,快速提高30分的锦囊妙计! 6步搞定任何高考英语阅读真题,一般人不告诉他(她)! 2013吴军高考英语阅读理解3天提分秘术 众说周知,得阅读、完形者得天下! 文章看没看懂不重要,关键是要选对! 高考英语阅读的核心暗示点:词和短语! 题目(或题干)有暗示,秘笈为你精准导航! 选项与出题点之间存在逻辑关系,3天帮您梳理! 速度比完美更重要,思路比题海要有效! 2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术, 既不是神人的牛B押题,也不是最牛高考班的密卷!而是沈阳高分英语家教吴军老师从2000-2012年2700多篇高考英语阅读真题答案内幕规律衍生出的迅捷提分秘诀! 2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术是纸质的解析讲解类自学教案,而不是如同上大课般的名师讲座光盘(如高分突破,提分宝典,四步兵法,高频考点等),你可以站着,躺着,甚至在卫生间里也可以阅读自学! 立竿见影!以一顶百!9年来我们在自我独门秘笈的基础上,20%参阅了132种全国知名高考英语教案或资料(如:新东方,张清波,北京四中李俊和,管卫东,提分宝典,高频考点等)。


还有些重点高中一线老师,将自己上课用的教案制作成光盘用以贩卖,其实质不过是高频考点和词汇的串讲,有的甚至用35%的篇章讲述如何记忆单词,而广告却说是提分秘笈,真是让人遗憾! 好消息!吴军老师2012高考英语3天提分秘诀仅释放了其30%的功力,就达到了90%以上的客户满意度,为了配合文科其他科目的上市,2013年吴军高考英语将释放其70%的功力,2013年高考英语提分速度和幅度将再升一倍,看完下列示例后,还不赶紧抢购呀! 目录: 一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征 二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词 三、擒贼先擒王:主旨题、写作目的题吴军答题密码 四、阅读出题点与细节题吴军答题法则 五、阅读文章结构、题材与推论题吴军突破秘诀 六、阅读词汇、文章及作者态度题吴军破解规律 希望给您带来帮助!


2018年高考语文考试已经结束,以下为2018年全国卷II高考作文题 (适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、陕西、重庆、海南) 。










题目 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。





1.全国卷(新课标) 经验与勇气 一位商人得到一块价值不菲的宝石,但却发现宝石上有一条裂缝,如果能从裂缝处切开,就能得到两块完美的宝石。




2.北京卷 爱迪生如何看待手机 材料作文,两个科学家对话,爱迪生回到21世纪,他对手机怎么看,不少于800字,题目自拟。

3. 江西卷 学生有三怕:奥数、英文、周树人 “中学时代,学生有三怕:一怕奥数,二怕英语,三怕周树人,但有些学生却喜欢前面的‘两怕’。


4.广东卷 以“捐助”为题作文 一个人白手起家,成了富翁。





5.安徽卷 为什么能或不能这样 “一般人只看到已经发生的事情而说为什么如此呢?我却梦想从未有过的事物,并问自己为什么不能呢?——萧伯纳 ”谈对这段话的理解和看法。

题目自拟,800字 6.上海卷 更重要的事 生活中,大家往往努力做自己认为重要的事情,但世界上似乎总还有更重要的事,这种现象普遍存在,人们对此的思考也普遍相同,请选取一个角度,写一篇文章,谈谈你的思考。

7.湖南卷 作文是二选一:它被天边的彩云所吸引,奋力飞腾,寒冷、饥寒、风雨都无法阻止它,它毅然决然地向上飞,飞上高山之巅,它已精疲力竭,伤痕累累,一个声音问,值得吗?天地苍茫、彩云缭绕,它内心充实而满足,喃喃地答道:我愿意! 父亲的书桌对面有一把小椅子,儿子坐在那里陪伴回家在桌子前剪报的父亲,父子俩没有说话,静静相对,儿子望着父亲祥和的面容,心里充溢着宁静的幸福。



8.江苏卷 探险者与蝴蝶 一群探险者去山洞探险,进入后点燃蜡烛,发现有一群蝴蝶,于是退出去了。



9.浙江卷 三句话看青春。





10.福建卷 根据一首现代长诗,写一篇不少于800字的作文,这首诗歌是顾城的《忧天》,内容为 “我仰望着夜空, 感到一阵惊恐; 如果地球失去引力, 我就会变成流星, 无依无附在天宇飘行。

哦,不能!为了拒绝这种‘自由’, 我愿变成一段树根, 深深地扎进地层”。


11.山东卷 根据“一专栏给莫言等很多作家的作品挑错别字,他们虚心接受”的情况,自选角度撰文。


12.重庆卷 (以美食为材料)大豆是蛋白质含量极其丰富而又十分廉价的食物,可它的境遇曾一度尴尬,煮熟的大豆难以引起人们的食欲,并且会使肠胃胀气。






13.四川卷 以“过一个平衡的生活”为话题,自拟题目。

14.辽宁卷 沙子和珍珠 一位年轻人事业无成非常郁闷,一天他在海滩上遇到一位老人。





15.天津卷 2013年天津卷高考作文题为“以 ‘___而知之’(填入一个字,学字除外)为题,写一篇文章”。

16.湖北卷 材料作文:装鲜牛奶的容器一般是方盒子,装矿泉水的容器一般是圆瓶子,装酒的圆瓶子又一般放在方盒子里,方圆之间,各得其妙,古诗云:方圆虽异器,功用信具呈。



17.全国卷(大纲版) 高中学习阶段,你一定在班集体里度过了美好的时光,收获了深厚的情谊,同窗共读,互相帮助,彼此激励,即使是一次不愉快的争执,都给你留下难忘的记...

The marathon is a long-distance foot race with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards),that is usually run as a road race.The event was instituted in memoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides,a messenger from the Battle of Marathon (the namesake of the race) to Athens.The historical accuracy of this legend is in doubt,contradicted by accounts given by Herodotus,in particular....

转载请注明出处作文大全网 ? 2013年全国卷一英语作文题目及标准范文































内容 节 题量 计分 时间(分钟)

听力 一 5 7.5 约20

二 12 18

三 3 4.5

英语知识运用 一 15 15 约25

二 20 30

阅读理解 20 40 约35

写作 一 10 10 约40

二 1 25

总计 85+1 150 120 希望能帮到你,如答案对你有帮助,请采纳 谢谢!


36.B [解析]由第一段最后一句可知,人与昆虫有极大“不同”。

37.C [解析]“make every possible efforts”为固定短语。

38.D [解析]由后文蜂后引来大批蜜蜂可知,后者自己常引起别人的注意。

39.A [解析]由后文驾车者出现的麻烦事可知,此处形容词应填“unfortunate”。“unpleasant”意为不高兴的,“hopeless"意为无希望的,均不符合上文意思。

40.C [解析]leaving out”为忽略、遗漏,考生如望文生意,则可能选择B项。

41.B [解析]四个选项均为方位,前、后、左、右。由46题“following the car"可知,“a strange noise”是由后面传来。

42.D [解析]驾车热闹走出驾驶室来检查车轮。易错点: C项“test”强调测试。

43.B [解析]驾车人停车检查后,没发现异样情况,故继续向伦敦驶去。

44.D [解析]由“Again”可知,“the noise”在他重新驾驶后再次发生。此题可用排除法。A项为“通常的”,B项为“温柔的、轻轻的”与“became even louder”不符,C项为“实际的、实在的”均不符合上下文。

45.D [解析]奇怪的声音再次从后面传来,驾驶人“转过头”才能发现到底发生了什么,故选B项。注意;D项“raising his head”是抬头,由蜂群从后传来,驾车者抬头是发现不了情况的。 .

46.A [解析]由本段最后“thousands of bees…可知,发出声音的是蜂群。根据生活常识,成千上万的蜜蜂在后面,是黑压压的一片像云团一样。易错项:D项,有考生脑中的蜜蜂形象是五颜六色的,可能选择“colorful”。 ·

47.C [解析]前文提及蜂后藏在车中,是因为有成千上万的蜜蜂在附近。易错项:D 项,考生如果未注意到“when he stopped…”这句,还会以为蜜蜂在车后盘旋。车停下后,蜜蜂应前后左右围着车子飞。


49.A [解析]由50空后“a customer”可知,驾车者进人的不是博物馆、医院或学校。

50.D [解析]“it was not long before…”此处表明蜂群随后飞来,速度极快。

51.C [解析]由常识判断,他的车上有无数的蜜蜂在飞、停歇。故告知他这情况的人应急忙告诉他。选项A、D意思不符合上下文,B项虽意思正确,但不能表现当时情况的紧急性。

52.B [解析]驾车人下车进入宾馆,应是车窗关闭,故蜂群只可能密密麻麻的爬在车的表面上。选项A、C均表示某物体的内部“挤满”或“充满”。与常识不符。

53.A [解析]此时此情,其他人“建议”车主请人帮助。B项为“要求”,C项为命令”,D项为“请求”,均不符合题意。

54.A [解析]由下文55选项后一句可知。


翻译2014年湖北高考英语真汉语翻译题:you've flown halfway 含有aroun



An English lady was finally decided that she really should 66_______

learn to drive, And after many attempts, she past her 67_______

driving test and told her husband that,to release, he 68_______

was going to drive him over to France for a holiday, But 69_______

then a week after the trip, she suddenly announced that 70_______

they wouldn’t take the holiday. “How did you change your 71_______

mind?” he asked her by surprise. “Well,it is all because 72_______

of the business of driving on right.” She said, “I have 73______

been practicing for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t 74______

get used to it-in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples。” 75______

66. 答案:去掉finally 前的was 解析:lady与decide 之间为主动关系

67. 答案:past→passed 解析:此处意为“通过”,应使用pass的过去式

68. 答案:he→she 解析:此处应为妻子要带丈夫去法国,应用女性的人称代词

69. √

70. 答案:after→before 解析:此处应为在此次旅行之间,妻子就因不适应右侧驾驶改变了主意

71答案:How→Why 解析:此处为丈夫对妻子突然改变主意不理解,而询问原因

72. 答案:by→in 解析:in surprise 为固定搭配,意为“惊奇地,惊讶地”

73. 答案:right→the right 解析:方位名词前腰加定冠词

74. 答案:couldn’t→can’t 解析:此处应为目前还不是要右侧驾驶,应用现在时。

75. 答案:peoples→people 解析:不可数名词


It was a chance of a lifetime to win the first 76_______

prize on the Story Writing Show. All I had to do 77_______

was to write a story or present it. My teachers 78_______

have been telling me how great my writing was. 79_______

So if they had said was true, I would have a chance 80_______

of winning the prize . What were better , I had useful 81._______

help . There was Uncle Chen , gentleman living 82._______

near my house , who was a very much famous writer 83._______

He agreed to reading my story and give me some 84._______

advices on how to write like a real writer 85._______

76. 正确。

77. on改为in, in…show “在…节目里”。

78. or改为and,or表选择,and表顺接和并列。

79. have改为had,上下文时态要一致。

80. if后加what,what引导主语从句,在句中意思为“…的话”

81. were 改为was,不可数名词谓语动词用单数。

82. gentleman前加a,gentleman是可数名词。

83. much去掉,“非常出名”,very修饰形容词,very much修饰动词。

84. reading改为read,agree to do sth.“同意做某事”。

85. advices改为advice,advice是不可数名词。





修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then

she bent down and picked ^ up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his

T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted ^ get out of the shop

as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It w\as turned out to be her own cup,

that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister,

for I just thought it was funny!

My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then


she bent down and picked ^ up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his

it the her

T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted ^ get out of the shop

Hard to

as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It was turned out to be her own cup,

that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister,

which embarrassed

for I just thought it was funny!



Christie was one of my best friend at high school 76._______

At that time, we often spend time together. 77._______

Thank to her help, I made great progress in my 78._______

study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In 79._______

other words, we would be separated for long time. 80._______

Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show 81._______

my best whishes to him. She said it was the best 82._______

gift she has ever had. From then on, we’ve 83._______

kept touch with another through e-mails. I 84._______

look forward to see her again in the near future. 85._______


76. friend → friends. one of 后接名词复数

77. spend →spent. At that time表示过去发生的事情

78. Thank →Thanks. Thanks to 是固定短语,“多亏了,因为”

79. √

80. for a long. For a long time表示“一段时间”,固定短语

81. 去掉off. leave 已经表示离开之意,off多余

82. him →her. 代词使用要一致。

83. has →had.时态错误,应为过去完成时。

84. kept ∧in touch 固定短语keep in touch with表示“与人保持联系”

85. see →seeing. look forward to中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词形式。








Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about

her except for that she was strange. she didn’t talk many .her hair was black

and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the

summer .she was ,in fact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care what

the rest if us thought about her like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really

together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did .

Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about

her except for that she was strange. she didn’t talk many .her hair was black

去掉for 解析:except that中不能再用for。

many→much 解析:修饰动词talk应该用much,此处是副词,many没有此用法。

and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the


although→even 解析:although是连词,不能修饰介词短语,even可以

summer .she was ,in fact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care what

attractively→attractive解析:做表语,用形容词 seemed →seemed to 解析:seem后用带to的不定式

the rest if us thought about her like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really

classmate→classmates 解析:名词需用复数

want to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry project

closest→close 解析get是连系动词,后跟形容词 their→our解析:人称和前面一致

together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did .

begin→begin 解析:时态前后不一致


Here is my idea about how a friend is like. Firstly, 76.._______

a friend is someone you can share your secrets. If you 77.._______

tell him a secret, never will he talks about it with anybody 78.._______

else. Besides, a friend is always good listener when you 79.._______

need one. After hear your sad stories, he will say some 80.._______

words that is nice and warm. Still, your happiness makes 81.._______

him happily too. What’s more, a good friend is willing to 82.._______

offer the help to which you need, or can at least give you 83.._______

some advices. In a word, friends are those you like and 84.._______

trust, and you will enjoy every minute that you spent with 85.._______



76. how what,由what引导宾语从句,从句中like缺宾语。

77. 在secret之后加with,share sth. with sb.

78. talks talk,will后须加动词原形。

79. 在always之后加a,listener是可数名词,且是泛指。

80. hear hearing,after是介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式。

81. is are,that代指先行词words,所以谓语动词要用复数。

82. happily happy,形容词作宾语补足语。

83. 去掉to,which you need作定语,意为:提供你所需的帮助。

84. advices advice,advice是不可数名词。

85. spent spend,前后时态须一致。


After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a

nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple. They are silently, and it was clearly

that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said,

put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug ”

(拥抱) you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That was

very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said

Mother cheerfully. k*s5u

1. notice 改为noticed 解析:本文的时间都是一般过去时态。

2. occupy改为occupied

解析:此处是分词短语作后置定语,occupy 与table是被动关系,故应用过去分词。

3. young之前加上a。考点:解析:从下文可知是一对夫妇,所以需加冠词。


5. on改为by或at。考点:解析:被桌子挡住了,应用by或at。


7. many改为much。考点:解析:此处是回忆,不可数名词,所以用many。

8. 去掉to。考点:解析:accept之后不需要接to。

9. So 改为But。考点:解析:根据前后关系,应表示转折关系。




You’ve flown halfway around the world; you’ve sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Thailand seems to have ever heard of;

你已经游历了大半个世界,而且你已经发现了无论是在falongland或者是泰国都无人曾经听说过的地方(注意:sniff out 本义嗅出,这里引申为发现)。

so what on earth is there to do here? You consider this question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you above the sand.

所以究竟到这里来干嘛呢?(on earth 究竟)当你坐到一个把你从沙滩上托起的老旧的木质椅子上面之时,你会考虑这个问题。(此句子可以放到前面去)

It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.

从Bangkok 到 Huaplee 是一段很长的旅程,直到你找到公交站,处理好自己的问题(sort out 本义排序),这将花费差不多和到falongland的旅程一样的时间。

Huaplee is located just south of Hua Hin, about two hundred kilometres from Bangkok, down the west side of the Gulf of Thailand. Not many tourists find this place, and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.

huaplee 就坐落在hua hin的南方,大概离柬埔寨200公里,就在泰国湾的西部。很少有游客会发现这个地方,如果有游客会发现这个地方他们也会纳闷这是不是他们一路以来的目标。

There’s an apparent laziness that surrounds you here. It’s what this place offers, and it’s free of charge. The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down. You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest. You sit there and watch the sea.


It’s early afternoon, so the cook comes out and asks what you’d like to eat this evening. Before long he’s rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you ordered—every meal fresh and to order. No menu here.


There is no poolside noise here but just that wonderfully warm, clear blue sea. There’s no street noise. The only sounds are the murmurs of nature.


For now you just count your blessings (福祉), listing them in the sand with your toe (脚趾). You don’t have to worry about being late for work. You don’t have to do anything.


The beach to your right stretches off to the horizon (地平线), slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-emerge again on your left, now steadily widening until it covers the chair beneath you. Sand to your left and sand to your right; it’s unbroken, endless. No start, no end, just sand, sun, and peace. Step off it, and you re-enter the world of traffic, stress, work, and hurry.


Normally you’re the type who can’t sit still for more than ten minutes, but you’re on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and, in the right frame of mind, it stretches all the way around the world.

一般情况下,你是那种几乎不能静坐超过十分钟的类型的人,但是你如今来到了 Huaplee Lazy Beach ,而且在思维的结构之中,它延伸到了整个世界的旅途。(意思就是说在这个地方人们可以远离原来的traffic,noise,hurry,用一种不同于原来世界的看法和思维模式来生活。)

“How could it take me so long to find it?” you wonder.



63. 答案D

解析推理题。根据文章2,3段It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.和Not many tourists find this place, and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.可知从曼谷去那里要花很长的时间,而且很受有游客能够找到这个地方。作者第一次去也花了很长的时间。故D正确。

64. 答案A

解析细节题。根据文章第五段It’s early afternoon, so the cook comes out and asks what you’d like to eat this evening. Before long he’s rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you ordered—every meal fresh and to order. No menu here.可知在这里吃饭,是没有菜单的。都是量身定做的,故A正确。

65. 答案B

解析推理题。根据文章倒数第二段Normally you’re the type who can’t sit still for more than ten minutes, but you’re on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and, in the right frame of mind, it stretches all the way around the world.可知如果你正常是一个很难停下来很忙碌的人,那么来到这里,你就应该忘记一切,享受大自然的美丽。故B正确。

66. 答案D



1. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.


分析本句中的by the time到…时为止;引导的是一个时间状语从句,通常都是和完成时连用。如果by the time后面是现在时间,主句就使用现在完成时;如果后面是过去时的时间,主句使用过去完成时。

2. It’s what this place offers, and it’s free of charge.


分析本句是由and连接的两个并列句。前一句中的what this place offers是一个表语从句,what引导起这个表语从句,并在表语从句中做动词offer的宾语。


关于听力的提高 建议将近5年的真题听力磁带买来,用复读机听写。







2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)英语英语试题卷共16页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。一、听力(共三节,满分30分)做题时,请先将答案划在试题卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试题卷上的答案转涂或转填到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19. 15. b. 9. 15. c. 9. 18. 答案是B。1. Where is the woman from?A. Japan. B. England. C. Australia. 2.How many children does the woman have?A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. 3. What does the woman suggest?A. Going to town. B. Seeing a movie. C. Having a meal. 4. What is the woman going to do?A. Stay for tea. B. Buy some fruits. C. Go back home. 5. What is the conversation mainly about?A. The woman’s study. B. The woman’s friend. C. The woman’s trouble. 第二节(共12小题;每小题1. 5分,满分18分)请听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6.In which season does the conversation take place?A. The spring. B. The summer. C. The autumn. 7. What is the man going to do next?A. Go for a walk. B. Take pictures. C. Eat food. 8.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Couple. B. Friends. C. Classmates. 请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the purpose of this talk?A. To talk about the exam. B. To introduce a professor. C. To explain the arrangement. 10. When is the talk probably given?A. At the beginning of the term. B. In the middle of the term. C. By the end of the term. 11.What will Professor Brown do next Thursday?A. Organize the exam. B. Attend a meeting. C. Answer questions. 请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where is the man going?A. To a police station. B. To a repair shop. C. To a book store. 13.What is most probably a “town guide“in the conservatism?A. A book. B. A person. C. A shop. 14. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Buying some books. B. Repairing a watch. C. Finding a place. ks5u ks5u请听第9段材料,回答15至17题。 ks5u15.Why does the woman come to the man? ks5uA. To greet him. ks5uB. To ask for information. ks5uC.To talk about the neighbors. ks5u16. Where are the two speakers? ks5uA. In Atlanta. ks5uB. In Chicago. ks5uC. In New York. ks5u17.What is the woman going to do this Saturday? ks5uA. Drink tea. ks5uB. Attend a party. ks5uC. Meet old friends. ks5u第三节(共3小题;每小题1. 5分,满分4. 5分) ks5u请听下面一段独白,用所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数。填入的内容要写在答题卡相应的位置上。在听本段独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段独白读两遍。 ks5u请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 ks5uStudent Clubs Name Number of Members Day of Meeting 18 Club 90 Thursday Music Club 19 Saturday Bicycle Club 50 20 ks5u二、英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ks5u第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ks5u请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 ks5u例:A computer can only do_____you have instructed it to do. ks5uA. how B.after C. what D. when ks5u答案是C。 ks5u21.Try on this red skirt;you will look great_____it. ks5uA. on B. by C. in D. for ks5u22.Over the past 20 years,the Internet helped change our world in _____way or another for the better. ks5uA. any B. one C. every D. either ks5u23.She stared at the painting,wondering where she ______it. ks5uA. saw B.has seen C.sees D. had seen ks5u24—You are confident about the job interview,aren’t you? ks5u—_____.I’m well prepared and feel I’ve got everything they need. ks5uA. suer, I am B.It’s hard to say ks5uC. I hope so D.Well, maybe ks5u25.Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,______with his old one. ks5uA. comparing B.compares ks5uC. to compare D.compared ks5u26. Washing machines made by China have won_______worldwide attention and Haier has become_____popular name. ks5uA. a;the B. /; a ks5uC. /;the D. the; a ks5u27. Peter was so excited_______he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. ks5uA.where B. that ks5uC.why D. when ks5u28. —I’ve got to go now. ks5u—Must you?I______you could stay for dinner with us. ks5uA. think B. thought ks5uC.have thought D. am thinking ks5u29. With the world changing fast,we have something new______with all by ourselves every day. ks5uA.deal B. dealt ks5uC.to deal D. dealing ks5u30.Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future______to the well-educated. ks5uA. belongs B.is belonged ks5uC. is belonging D.will be belonged ks5u31.We should consider the students’request___the school library provide more books on popular science. ks5uA. that B. when ks5uC. which D. where ks5u32. —Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is? ks5u—She_____in the classroom.I saw her there just now. ks5uA. shall be B.should have been ks5uC.must be D. might have been ks5u33.Unsatiafied______with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience. ks5uA. though was he B.though he was ks5uC.he was though D. was he though ks5u34.Life is like a long race_____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. ks5uA.why B. what ks5uC. that D.where ks5u35. —Ken, ________,but your TV is going too loud. ks5u—Oh, I’m sorry.I’ll turn it down right now. ks5uA.I’d like to talk with you B.I’m really tired of this ks5uC.I hate to say this D.I need your help ks5u ks5u第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) ks5u请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中),选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 ks5uPeople often fall ill because of me. 36 , they can hardly blame me;it is largely their own 37 ,A tired person may get 38 ,especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air.A sudden change in 39 is another factor.In hot summer,people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home.They will catch a cold easily. ks5uMy latest victim is an energetic student.After school,he played football hard for two hours. Though 40 ,he still went to the cinema.Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately. ks5uI seized this golden chance to 41 him. He reacted, trying to 42 me, but I was already 43 deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏)and his nose was running. 44 he put on some warm clothes, it didn’t work,for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept 45 him, and he developed a cough to force me andmy family out, but 46 , ks5uThe next day he couldn’t go to 47 , He had lost his appetite and was notas 48 asbefore. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C,which would help his 50 , ks5uFor two days he was 50 by his mother. As he rested more, his defensestrengthened and I began to feel the 51 , I knew I had to 52 him before long. But I am not the one whogives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back. 53 ,it was my turn to feel 54 now, for his defense system was starting anall-out attack against me. I became 55 and finally my time was over. ks5uDo you know what I am? ks5u36. A. Therefore B.Besides C. However D. Then ks5u37. A. business B. responsibility C. excuse D. fault ks5u38. A. punished B. blamed C.caught D. killed ks5u39. A. temperature B. season C. place D. condition ks5u40. A. excited B. hurt C. late D. tired ks5u41. A. injure B.bother C.attack D. destroy ks5u42. A. get on with B.get rid of C.put up with D. take hold of ks5u43. A. reproducing B. waiting C.hiding D. disappearing ks5u44. A. Since B. Once C.Whether D. Although ks5u45. A. reminding B. upsetting C.comforting D. influencing ks5u46. A. escaped B. succeeded C.regretted D. failed ks5u47. A. bed B. work C.school D. hospital ks5u48. A. peaceful B. afraid C.active D. happy ks5u49. A. recovery B. development C.study D. affected ks5u50. A. protected B. nursed C.scolded D. affected ks5u51. A. loss B. operation C.pressure D. movement ks5u52. A. leave B. catch C.forget D. beat ks5u53. A. Uncertainly B.Unsuccessfully C. Unusually D. Unfortunately ks5u54. A. painful B. disappointed C.nervous D. ashamed ks5u55. A. bigger B. weaker C.smaller D. stronger ks5u ks5u





























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